Wednesday, 9 May 2012

9th May 2012

So it's about 1. 19 AM here and I think I really should head to bed now. Granted, it isn't really that 'late' or anything, but with the way my body clock's messed up, sleeping at this hour sounds like a real dream come true, heh. Well, life's been pretty ... normal, as of late, I guess? Nothing fancy really happening, just living the days as they are. Managed to buy two new shirts from UNIQLO today, as well as a soundtrack from The Avengers which made me a very happy person. :3 And I feel like tomorrow's going to be a looong day for some reason /sighs

I know I haven't been the most active when it comes to blogging but most of the time, I just don't know what to write about. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I can't seem to find any mojo to write a blog post (added with some lazyness. Heh). @_@ Which reminds me... remember that post about Korea I keep on rambling about but never got around to it? Yeah, well... I'll eventually get to it... eventually. I hope. BUT I WILL (I hope)! Well, until then...


Monday, 26 March 2012

Arguments... ? and other things.

Well, it's pretty safe to say that arguing is normal in any relationship, even over the most insignificant things, isn't it? Which makes me wonder what I'd argue about if/when I get into a relationship. Hm, now mind you all that I have never, ever experienced a relationship before /cue (temporarily) foreveralone.jpg which is one of the reasons why this curiosity is brought up. .___. Well, never mind that, I guess... ?

Well, my semester is coming to an end, and well, I really, really, really really really hope I finally pass and am able to move on. =_= Currently stuck figuring out HOW to do my Stats assignment, I get it (somewhat), but at the same time... I have noo idea what to do about it. Arghhh. What comes after studying? Work? I think I want to work for a bit, but where...? Hm, I don't know, I just need some time off studying for awhile, I think. Go to the beach for a vacation or something, heh. *___*

Anddd, that's it from me, for now. As you can see, I'm rarely updating (like once a month) but I'll try to update more. :) Until then... *poof*!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Howdy-Do~ !

Wow, so it's been over a month since my last post! Whaat ~ I'm sorry to all my (non-existent) readers! It's been quite a busy February, to be quite honest :P

That and, I've been hooked on playing games on my PSP again! Heh, well, first up was Warriors Orochi 2, but for some reason, I can never play Wu Stage-3. o_O It would always hang after the map screen and cause my PSP to crash! But never mind, since I've already played it when it was out on the PS2, I decided to give up and focus on Crisis Core instead which, if I may say, is an awesome game (save for Genesis, but that's a different story altogether -_-;; ) managed to finish the game too! Which, of course is a big sense of achievement, no? WRONG! Because once again, as I was viewing the epilogue, this game decided it would be a good idea to also hang and crash on me! Which leaves me no choice but to wait for Leanne to come back in June with my games so I can properly play -_-;; sigh~

But in other news (again!) I finally have a new phone! ;) Well, won't really go into super details with that, just that I'm very veyr happy to have this new baby! And a cute cover to go with it, much thanks to my sister, or course, who bought it for me *____*

And that's it from me, for now ;)

Thursday, 2 February 2012


The things you do once you start studying! I sincerely hope I can manage to pull through. I know it's not like a lost cause or anything, I just have to keep trying, but... ngeh, you know, the usual panic is bound to occur, no? :T

I know I've said I'll write about my Korean trip, but I can't seem to find the right mood to. Gah~ @___@ I'll come around it... eventually... hopefully... I hope. e____e But for now... time for Statistics, the currently bane of my existence (well, not really) /flops over/

Friday, 20 January 2012


Well, I know I've been told not the be paranoid about these things, but sometimes, I really just can't help it. I mean, with what's happening it only heightens my suspicion, and it's hard not to feel as such. I dunno, I really don't. If only things were that simple. If only I had a signal from you to indicate that this thing's, well... mutual.

If only, if only.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


"I'm afraid my heart will be revealed in between my hands
My heart is overwhelmed, it's sad
Please wait a bit more and wait for me
You and I, we can't be right now
I want to push on the clock even more but
In the future, which you will be in
Please call out my name.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


So, I know I got back from Korea like, 2 days ago... but I can't find the proper time to blog about the trip. ;( I will soon though... so please bear with me! ;(

Also, Happy (BELATED) 2012! Hope everyone has a great one! ;)